Extra-curricular Activities
P1 LBD Surprise Party

Home is a place of gourmet food,

Home is a harbour where I can relax my body and mind,

Home is a stage where I pursue my hobbies,

Home is the place where I grow and learn.

Home gives us a safe place full of love and care, allowing us to spread our arms and explore the world, facing different challenges.

To express love for their family, Mung Yeung P1 students prepared a unique surprise party for their parents. Some of them made delicious cakes, some of them painted nails for their parents, some of them did massages, some of them created some IQ questions to test their parents. Students completed the brainstorming activities, preparations, introduction and designing the activity posters by collaborating with their fellow classmates.

Let’s enjoy the highlights of the party and reminisce about the surprise party the students prepared for their parents!

「感 · 創 · 做」全方位價值承傳計劃由教育大同主辦,承蒙太古基金、利銘澤黃瑤璧慈善基金、周大福慈善基金捐助,在本地主流小學開展Learning by Doing (LBD)體驗式教育項目。
Teaching and Learning for 2030 project is mainly organised by EDiversity, with the generous donations from Swire Trust, Drs. Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation and Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation. The Project is a Learning by Doing (LBD) experiential education project which is launched in mainstream local primary schools in Hong Kong.
